Hey, there sports fans, Al here with the latest:
The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker - as it stands has gone through another set of edits and additions to complete the wordless graphic novel.
While working on this project that has spanned years makes me wonder if Lynd Ward thought the same kind of thing when plotting out his wordless graphic novels back in the 30’ and ’40s? I can’t believe that he would have knocked it out of the park the very first time out.
This project is no different than a writer having numerous rewrites and edits on work before publishing.
Doing art is like that too. Lots of refinements and so on.
Well what I thought
Was the manna from heaven turned out to be a red herring - of a sort.
In between moving, art projects things got separated from each other so I had to go and dig in storage to find what I was looking for. But it came up short on a few topics.
Luckily for me, I left enough threads either written or visual to be able to make a brand new list of panels that are needed for Richard Parker and it's wordless graphic novel format. However, the biggest bonus on this was uncovering many images that were ready to be transferred were already set up for scratchboard. For me, this makes a huge improvement over what I already have. Once I have spent time working on the new list and have everything set up for what new images need to be completed, then Richard Parker can move into the final phases of being done.
Both illustrated, varnished, and framed.
Framing is going to be (I think) the most costly on my end.
Also, prints being made.
WHICH BRINGS me to another point, prints.
Now mind you, this is strictly my opinion for the following but humor me and follow the logic of it.
Since the worldwide pandemic spread like wildfire across the globe, having an art show seemed like, I dunno, a waste of time. I think that most people out there would think that because the buying public does not have the disposable income that they once had. At least as far as buying artwork goes anyway.
Artwork unlike food is a commodity, not a necessity. And with a lot of people out of work, there is no money coming in from showing and selling off art. Currently that I know of from galleries. But there is time for artists to work on their portfolios and build up work for some of those places that have opened up. Showing artwork at these establishments might require a physical place to show the work for longer periods of time since the foot traffic isn’t as heavy as it once was. Thank social distancing for this. This would be something that I think presenters need to be aware of any type of gallery situation.
At least that is was I am thinking. But I do know this. With the cost being high showcasing originals showing prints might hook art buyers into buying framed pieces rather than the original. I know a lot of contemporaries might not agree with this stance but I'm being realistic (including how hard it is to sell artwork in the first place). Portland has been notorious for being a place where buyers like the artwork but can’t afford to buy the originals. But I think for the most part this is being realistic.
But this all the speculation on my part is based upon what I am seeing coming around. I do know that there have been more online sales of late than there has been in the past. So this is a hopeful sign that people are still buying art. There is a little more research that needs to go into this. And I am not the final say in anything outside of my scope of influence.
But as I said this was my opinion.
But today (23rd) was another break in the amount of preparation that has been done for Richard Parker. Seriously, that is no lie.
In one day after getting all the panels printed on edit sheets, I could see where I was lacking story bits that needed to be inserted into the visual story to make sense sequentially.
Now this is the second go-round on this and I am sure that this won’t be the last time either but I am sure that I can get the rest of the images needed to be jotted down to round out the story as it is.
In this process, other items will be needed to bring things into focus on the project. The remaining scratchboards need to be bought, the tools needed, matting for framing, and the printing of prints.
That takes money and time when you are doing it by your self and coordinating it all.
But in the end, all of it is yours. And that is what makes it worthwhile.
And I am outta here.
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