All right, can you hear me?
Hey, there Sports sports fans, Al here with the latest;
In the last couple of blogs, I have been writing especially the last one was the question about whether or not ours get bored and being honest about that and all that was true, at least for me.In the week since I posted that last blog, I have been working very diligently on producing new artwork that is completely different in tone and subject matter compared to my typical, comic illustration roots.
I have found that working diligently on these new pieces of artwork has really started to step up my game as far as what I’m willing to accept as my moral expanse. What I have found in this work as I’ve shown it in progress to others around me is that they’re exceedingly happy and most of all excited about what will be presented forth.
Again I have to state that I am challenging not only myself but in those viewers that are looking at my work.
Most of the reactions have been very positive with the laugh a smile and a chuckle. I’m at constant war with myself “How far is too far Al?” Am I gonna step on somebody’s fe fee’s? I hope so.
Recently I have been online and I was looking for topics of which to cover for some of my parody project and I was searching the Internet for topics to help silicate me a piece of artwork because I want them to be engaging I’m moving from years ago made me think of buying it online the movie called been Zentropa or Europa depending on which tile you go by with repeated German or the English title. It’s been years since I watched this movie and I want the more I watched it the more I realize the reason why I like it. With its use of the stark black and whites, the tonalities even the way that Lars Von Tier directed this movie I started mentally applying the black and white pallet to what I was seeing before me. This was a sign that it’s a good movie and sticks with you for a very long time.
My new work is representative of where I want to go and of who I am. I feel there’s a change on the horizon and when I looked at my work now I can see that I’m challenging myself to do something better than I’ve done before something I did that I’ve just done strictly for keeping my hand busy I need to keep my mind active as well and hopefully that’ll translate to other people.
You know the funny thing is when I look at that stuff makes me think you know I don’t have surely an American sensibility when it comes to artwork. There is a very European, I guess, flavor to the work since I love working in black and white. I just feel my work would be better received there than here in the states. I felt that feeling for years but it is definitely coming to the fore now with this group of work.