Let's talk about Parker

Alright, let’s talk Richard Parker.

Richard Parker is on the move and the work is getting closer and closer, every single day I am with this being done - I am within striking distance of being completed by the end of the year now all that means for anyone, including myself, is that the physical part of the artwork will be done the majority of the story is already been laid out - it’s been filled in and out of the multitude of different gaps that popped up when I was telling the story initially.

I started this project six years ago with that being said, I have to start thinking about sending out a dummy copy of the work to a few people around the city. Mainly I’m going to send a copy to Dax and send a copy to Beth and send a copy to Adam can I just send out another copy to my regular editor Paula and see in with all four edits can join all those together and make the best possible book I can. These four people I trust.

Once that’s done and incorporated I'll be able to see into what else needs to be done left for the story. If I have any edits it’ll probably be like a couple of different edits specifically at the very tail end of the story and how Parker has been suffering from the bends also known as the Raptures of the Deep.

With a work that has been edited and collated it should be a pretty easy time for me to get the book put together in a PDF format and then start shopping it around. I think the game plan for that starts at the beginning of the year probably say around the end of February with a completed copy I’m going to take a copy to the remaining come at comic book companies that are here in town that has survived the Pandemic Shutdown.

Namely, Darkhorse. If they don’t buy it then I am going to see if Oni Press or what’s left of Image Comics is still available or even Boom Studios. If neither of them bites I always got the game plan of talking to somebody at Alterna Comics and see if I can get a book sent out with them. I’m gonna be talking to them anyway with my Robot Monster graphic novel. And if it doesn’t happen with either of those two Graphic Novels then I’m gonna hit up and bug Adam about how to do an Indiegogo campaign. Once that’s done we’ll see what happens after that I'll be looking into podcasting talking about Richard Parker and other comic book related stuff then we’ll talk about Trek. Because it always comes back to Trek.

And I am out of here done