Robot Monster "Attack!" 8"x8" Scratchboard with digital coloring
A favorite subject for me is none other than that of Robot Monster (a.k.a. Anger Beast as I like to call him). Initially I did this as part of a artistic challenge for something that is call every year called "Inktober". I liked the image so much I went ahead and made a scratchboard piece out of it and then I added the color later.

"Down by the Creek" 8"x8" scratchboard with digital color
Down by the Creek was a follow up on a piece I had done earlier as a commission for a friend of mine who liked Bigfoot. In staying with that theme I decided to keep "the gentle giant" that I had started and go with that.
I think that this colorized version did well for me.

"Hot Under the Helmet"
9"x 12" Scratchboard with digital color manipulation.
Hot Under the Helmet was a really a knee jerk reaction to some personal issues that I was experiencing at the time. Stress and frustration are a great innovators for getting things out.
Originally a black and white illustration for a personal poster for an art show but the moment I added color people came out of the woodwork in support.
Giclees are available.

"Last Monster on EARTH!"
11"x 14" Scratchboard with digital coloring
After looking at a number of old b-movies of the 1950's and I came across this iconic character and decided to take a stab at rendering in a Jack Kirby style.
Originally a black and white piece I felt that color would help bring forth a look that I hoped would- it did.
Giclees are available.

8"x 8" digital color of a scratchboard original
Voyage is a color rendition of the larger space commission. I was hoping that the color aspect would just accentuate the black and white scratchboard.
The color did exactly that.
Giclees are available

"Down With the Weirdness"
8"x 8" scratchboard with digital color underlay
Originally based upon a larger version 16"x 20" piece of the same name.
The mad scientist has always been a favorite of mine and I thought this would be a great rendition to the BIG 500 show here in Portland OR.
It was.

"Green Depth"
8"x 8" Airbrush and Clayboard
Another image of Richard Parker but with a monochromatic image with a green giving it a feeling of stagnation.

"Richard Parker and Friend"
8"x 8" scratchboard with digital underlay.
This was the result of working on so many pieces for a Richard Parker show I did this as a introduction to the show on my Show Statement.

8"x 8" scratchboard
In all my works there is a theme of "alien-ness" that feeling that you are a stranger in a strange land and no one understands you. As a artist for so long the creature exemplifies this as he swims back into the depths.

9"x 12" Scratchboard with color Pitt Pen Marker
Captain America was a commission that came in at the end of the year. I hadn't drawn or rendered a classic comic book hero in years except for small fan scratchboard pieces I had done for small art shows.
I been a fan of Captain America for decades and doing this was fun. Adding color was a more interesting story because before then all the piece I had done for any of my of my artwork in color was digital color manipulation for prints.
So adding color to this was a big deal.

Bought back from the brink of death, Parker is now given a new lease on "life". A deal that he can not walk or swim away from. A deal that will define his life
9"x12" Scratchboard

"Lift Off!"
18"x 24" Scratchboard
Lift Off! was the first of three images designed for a Space Triptych commission. The set up was that I would envision a comic book themed space saga but limited to three scratchboard panels.
Liftoff! centers around the beginning of the space saga surrounding Major Thom taking off into space atop his rocket ship strapped into his pilot seat looking forward to his grand adventure.
This was actually pretty easy to come up with the idea not the completion of the work. Everything is in the details.
Prints are available.

18"x 24" Scratchboard
"Voyage" was actually the hardest piece to complete. I constantly had to go back to re-watching several times "The Martian" , "Interstellar", "2001" and several other movies dealing with space travel within our own solar system.
I feel that the detail is really great in this piece and works to hold your attention within the triptych. This one is the visual glue that holds everything together.

18"x 24" Scratchboard
"Landing" was the last of the Space Commission Triptych that I was doing in the series. I was having problems trying to getting the right mood for this one because I didn't want that super heroic look going on. I wanted exploration to be the feeling of for this.

"The Undersea Kingdom of Richard Parker"
A 18"x 24" scratchboard with a color digital color underlay. This image is a center piece of the Richard Parker universe.
This image was the last of of a set for a show that featured the adventures of this deep sea diver and the denizens that reside far beneath the surface the ocean.
Giclees are available on Etsy

8" x 8" Scratchboard
"Murderer...?" is set up as a scratchboard to digitally add color to for a upcoming art event later this year.
This is image is based off another image that I came across with vultures in it depicted in a image I had come across. I thought of Rod Serling with the smoke. It added to the image and the title.

9" x 12" scratchboard
There was so much more Richard Parker story that I had to keep working on it. I had to keep the story going. in this I decided that the Parker hadn't just disturbed the octopus but something more of a mythical nature.

"Up from the Hold with Richard Parker"
9"x 12" scratchboard
After plummeting into the depths of the sea Richard Parker rises from the cargo hold of a old whaling ship. He must get his bearingof where he needs to go.

"Out of the Hold with Richard Parker"
9"x 12" scratchboard
Looking out over the murky depths Parker's narrows down on his target of the sunken sub.

"cean Floor with Richard Parker"
9"x 12" original scratchboard
Continuing with the Underwater Saga that is Richard Parker. After crashing into a old undersea wreck Richard Parker finally makes it to the ocean floor but not before disturbing a underwater denizen of the deep.
Giglees are available at Etsy

"Surprise!" 11"x14" scratchboard
More of Richard Parker dealing with his invasion into strange new world of the deep. So many unknowns.

"Confrontation with Richard Parker"
9"x 12" scratchboard
Had feeling a that he wasn't alone, Parker turns to confront a underwater denizen. He pulls his sea knife to defend himself from this eight legged beast!

8"x 8" scratchboard
A scratchboard images for later use for a digital color underlay for a upcoming art show.

"Walking with Richard Parker"
9"x 12" scratchboard
One of the biggest objects that has always alluded me has been straight on shots of characters. This was a great shot.

"Seven Ravens"
11"x 14" scratchboard
This was for a Brothers Grimm art show based upon their work with fairy tales. I loved the way this one came together.

"Mr. Spock"
8"x 8" scratchboard
A combination image of both Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto of Spock.

With all the deep sea material and some of the mystical being added, it was only a matter of time before I added some of the H.P. Lovecraft in. In this case Richard Parker deals the Underwater City of R'lyeh and its most famous occupant, Cthulhu.
5"x7" Scratchboard

The Underwater Adventures of Richard Parker isn't always focused on the main character of the same name. But in this case focusing on the Mermaid that Parker has awoken.
9"x12" Scratchboard

Parker after surviving the attack by the octopus manages to find at the bottom of the sea a weapon of protection from other unseen creatures of the deep. Unknown to Parker he was being stalked.
9"x12" Scratchboard

Parker under the spell of the Mermaid comes into the view of the Great God, Poseidon.
9"x12" Scratchboard

Parker swiftly defies all odds with this eight armed servant of watery death! Parker takes action and plunges his knife deep into maw of the monster.
9"x12" Scratchboard

Charged with his new task, Parker becomes something more. A Spectre of Sea Justice. A modern version of the Flying Dutchman. He steps from the ocean floor to claim those who defame the ocean.
9"x12" Scratchboard

Like all old horror movies dealing with the water Richard Parker rises from the sea slowly,quietly and methodically. So begins his grand adventure.
9"x12" Scratchboard

The Vengeful Spirit of Richard Parker drags to the depths the last of the sailors who turned on each other and consumed one another for mere survival.
9"x12" Scratchboard

A friend wanted to commission me after watching several images being produced at work. He wanted a "Old School Robot".
Not Robby or Gort or B9 from "Lost in Space tv series but a old school robot. This is what I came up with.

Another friend of mine suggested that Richard Parker have a confrontation with one of the Deep Ones. It doesn't get any deeper than Cthulhu.
Colorized Scratchboard Print 8"x8"

Taking all (if not most) tropes of Star Trek and incorporating them into one piece.
Colorized Scratchboard Print 8"x8"

This was a art challange that was part of a list for a show here in Portland. I liked the image enough to flip it and colorize it.
Colorized Scratchboard Print 8"x8"

This was based on a small character that showed in "A Scanner Darkly". The multi eyed being always watching fascinated me.
Colorized Scratchboard Print. 8"x8"

Always a great fan of this series and with his passing (Leonard Nimoy) I wanted to pay tribute.
Thank you.
Colorized Scratchboard Print. 8"x8"

This was a commission in the greatest way a mix of Wally Wood and Vargas. I loved doing this piece and the reaction was of pure joy during the hand off.
9"x12" Scratchboard

A color continuation of Richard Parker's ill fated Underwater Adventure.
Colorized Scratchboard Print. 8"x8"

9”x12” Commission scratchboard

9”x12” Scratchboard Part of the wordless graphic novel - The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker.

Commission 11"x14" scratchboard 2022

"Space Nubile" was a 9"x12" scratchboard commission. It is a companion to Satan's Robot piece.
I wanted to really make a piece that had a feel of a old Wally Wood and Vargas mixed together. The color brings that feeling out even better than I had hoped.
Colorized Scratchboard Print 8"x8"

"Down with the Weirdness" was a large 16"x20" original scratchboard piece for a solo show a few years ago. The original piece was purchased the second day of the show.
I loved the idea of the driven mad scientist even ignoring the tantalizing female figure in the background.
Colorized Scratchboard Print 8"x8".

9”x12” Scratchboard