
Prepping Work - Early 2025

It's been a while there sports fans, but the kid is back with upcoming news by the end of January of 2025, if you haven't been besieged by the drone invasion of 2024, I will be in another upcoming art show for the Goodfoot Lounge again. This time there will be several new 8"x8" pieces to be shown publicly.

Now honestly, if you have been following any of these postings, and if you haven't you should, because these pieces are great looking and highly detailed.

A part of this show will show some of my previous work on colored mounted prints and some older scratchboard pieces.

There should be the amount of 30 some 8"x8" images and then there are the bigger images like Blast Off! and Target Earth both 18"x24"

Mix of 2025 of the images.

There are prints that I will be offering this time rather than the originals.

The pricing of this will be reflected in this as well.

Been a little while

Hey there, a sports fans, Al here with the latest;

Hey guys, so I just thought I would bring you up to speed there’s been a couple of new developments with some new artwork being produced. It’s been a lot of fun because I’ve been mixing in a lot of traditional comic book illustrations, and stuff such as Sady Starkiss, but I’ve also been mixing in celebrity images to the work.

These images are based on photographs and screen grabs from the Internet, such as Debbie Harry, or Sam Elliott, along with my traditional illustration. It’s looking good.

Just a quick update as I am currently working on more 8”x8” images.

Of May and Merch

Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest;

Blue the Bulldog. 16”x20” scratchboard 2023. Alan Bennett

It’s been a little while since I had a chance to post a blog, but I’ve also been working on Photos as well as selling retail shirts a couple of times a week, which is been a really fun time, currently, I have a "Love Machine" print that I need to get printed for a person who had wanted to get the original before the show it was supposed to premiere in.  I’m gonna be talking to Brian in pearl printing next week, specifically this Monday morning, and see if I can also get a set up for a couple of other prints to be made as well. Blue the Bulldog T-shirt and the sticker seem to be selling well but I’m not sure how well a Blue the Bulldog print will work. I’m gonna hold off on that one for right now, my piece of artwork for my friend, Lynnie Peterson called "Equal Opportunity" with Sadie Starkiss, being the hero of the peace instead of being the hapless heroine that she’s been depicted as a while will come to pass. But now leaves me with a quandary. How do I make her more of an action-oriented heroine, along with Heavy Metal any of the other characters? I did throw in a spot as an ode to Johnny Vega with the symbol on her belt, so she may be part of that particular universe to some degree.

16”x12” Scratchboard 2024

But I’ve been having fun working on the commissions, and we have some more commissions, but as it always turns out commissions are a one-time kind of thing lots of people talk about them, but only ever if you ever pay for them. It’s also a problem that I ran into. Is that all run and do an actual image before the people pay for them I’m very just get very excited about working on a new piece of artwork for somebody, but then they always fail as far as payments go. It’s something I need to get a hold of the pieces are good but not regularly in my wheelhouse but we’ll see I’ll just continue to keep working on my space pieces, my heroes, my villains, my robots, and keep cranking piece after piece after piece but I’ll tell you this, though, every single one of them is gonna be fun and.

The Last Month of the Year

Hey there, sports fans. Al here with the latest;

Well, it’s October (Now December) or at least late October, now getting close to the month of the end of October and Halloween—my favorite time of the year. There is nothing wrong with November mind you.

Also, I should mention that prints have been made and now not only but also T-shirts as well! UPDATE: AND on top of the prints and t-shirts, I have been working on a smaller idea with stickers! Just a fun little way to get things out there.

“Juice Box” T-shirt design.

I’ve been putting together swag bags for some people who bought products from me. It’s a great time, and hopefully, I’ll be able to get my investment back as quickly as possible.

Not to bore you with the absolutes of business, but returns are always an excellent little supplement when you’re putting a lot of money out to make yourself look good.

Anyway, I’m looking to see if I can add another option to the website for clothing and other materials to be bought, so hopefully, I can be able to actually start supplementing my artwork a little bit better than just standard commissions.

As far as commissions are concerned, I have two more in the works. I have one that I just started, another enterprise piece, and after that, I have another solo piece that’ll be mentioned later on. It’s going to be a unique-looking piece. I can say this much.

So there you go.

And this kid is out of here.

Less than a week left to go for Half and Half art show!

Hey there, sports fans! Al here with the latest;

Hey, I wanted to let you guys know that the half-and-half show is coming to a close within the next week or so.

A image of the show before opening.

It’s been successful, though no actual artwork was sold, but that wasn’t the point.

The idea was to get the artwork to the public so they could see what I’ve been working on. And the reaction has been fantastic!

With that being said, there are now prints that will be available soon enough, and T-shirts Have already been made based on the image of “Blast Off!” I’m really excited about this because I’m starting to get into the idea of doing posters, prints, and T-shirts again.

T-shirt design based off of “BLAST OFF!”

I’ve made a few little videos listed here from TikTok and one that is actually a short version from Facebook. and just with a little Beastie Boys to add.

Soon, it’ll be time to head back into the show in the limelight again, but before that happens, I will have some other stuff ready to go for that show: the shirts, the prints, it may be an original piece or two.

I’ll have to confirm with my art show partner, Dan Depaolo, to see if he wants to get another table together. Like me, I think he has started to feel the need to get our work back out. There’s so other people can see it, and we work well together selling each other‘s work when the other isn’t there. I will say it’s been fun.

And with that, this kid is out of here, but check out the links for the shirts, and I’ll be making the prints available here soon enough.

Half and Half Art Show!

Hey there, sports fans. Al here with the latest:

Well, it finally happened: I have an art show. The only drawback is I have to share it with another person, so it’s not a solo art show, though this is not a jab at them.

I’ll be sharing the art show with a woman named Amy Gan. She is a photographer.

This brings me to the show's name - The Half and Half Art Show! It brings both illustrative work and photography together in one show.

And in one place I dearly love, the Slingshot Lounge. Not quite my home away from home but close.

It is run by some of the coolest people I know Eric Mims and his wife Jordan Walden.

I have been very fortunate to have known these people who offered me a solo show at the Slingshot by then curator Joey Maes.

The One-Man Show or OMS was a success in so many ways that I can't even count.

So it is always very exciting for me to show there again.

Spirng is in the Art

Hey Sports fans, Al here with the latest:

 It has been a very productive week for the kid. There is no doubt in my mind that it has been that, close to finishing off, one piece of art (with varnish) and another about ready to be transferred to scratchboard. 

There is no more tremendous excitement than that other than selling a piece of work to an admiring collector. 

But this has been a week of revisiting Richard Parker. Formatting the book has been on too long a hold until a good friend hit me up and asked when the book would be published.

He was right, and I had procrastinated doing it because, in honesty, I didn't want it to be done. 

I loved working on Richard Parker, and closing that book was hard because he had been a part of my adult life. 

I had found other projects to fill in the space, and they all exceeded my goals as an illustrator. And some are bookends for a series to complete, and others are just for fun. 

Page 1 of “Last Monster on EARTH!”

But there seems to be a tide when a (and you'll have to forgive my language) shit ton of work rolling out simultaneously. "Last Monster on EARTH!" is being colored. "The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker" is being formatted for print, and "the Pasquinade Project" has frames ready for pickup for a future show. It seems overwhelming, but I know I can do it without question. Much of my hesitation has been the fact that funds have been limited because of my living situation and the amount of money funneled into just living expenses. 

RP Layout and Formatting

With a recent change in job position and wage increase, I can crank out work to my liking. I will never be completely free of "issues" until I take that final nap, but knowing what will come up and dealing with it ain't so hard. 

And on top of all of that, I'm having fun!

How can you go wrong with that?

Mashup of artwork - Pasquinade Project atop for framing. Poster design for “Krackalack!” the Pasquinade Project on the left. “Freefall” featuring Sady Starkiss and Heavy Metal. And finally in the works, Corpse Cop!

Commissions coming out of the woodwork!

Hey there, sports fans, Al here with the latest:

It's been a while since I've had to post anything about commissions, but I recently had a couple of them come in very short succession, so I decided to post those right now. Because I’ve been bitten by the commission bug!

I switched over to a different size of scratchboard to accommodate these particular commissions. I moved up from making 9" x 12" s to 12" x 16"s.

The reason for the size is purely a sizing issue. Getting more bang for your buck, as they say. The second reason is it's easier for me to see.

I've had to resize some of my images because I'm having a more challenging time seeing smaller and smaller details in my work.

It's just getting older, and my eyes are getting weaker.

Don't worry. I'm not going blind or anything like that; just the age of the creator coming up these days.

But the work looks really cool, and it happens really fast when I get started, so I can't knock that. Firstly, I’ve got three new pieces that I wanted to show; two are already completed, and one is in the works. The first one is “Sady Warrior.” This is my first for using the 12” x 16” piece of scratchboard. The results actually turned out really well on this one, and I wanted to add bigger pieces to any other show that I was going to have the 9” x 12”, but I need to have something more significant to catch people’s eye. 

The second one is called “Outer Worlds.” It’s a commission piece for my friend Steve Coppin’s wife, Darcy. She wanted an old-school robot, and I just modified an existing picture from a calendar that she had seen. And there you have it, including a little bit of color to its eye. 

Lastly, it’s a piece that I have yet to entitle for my friend Felix Sanchez. He wanted the “Radioactive Hornets” piece, but I wouldn’t let him have it, so I said I would make him one that was uniquely suited for him. This is the outline in Transfer.

And before I forget, I'm meeting up with a framer to see how much a setup is going to cost me for future work. Hopefully, by then, I'll have a show a little bit later this year.

All in all, I think that this is gonna be a good year to get things done and printed. And the Kid is outta here!

Who is Sady Starkiss?

Simply put, Sady Starkiss was a product of a conversation and a single commission.

In this commission, the idea was to have what my friend referred to as a "Space Nubile." And that was as much information as he gave me. He wanted something with the '50s feel to it. So, I combined a classic Vargas girl pinup and a Wally Wood space girl.

I'm a sucker for old 50s pinup girls, to begin with. And Wally Wood had such a flair for the ladies of the time.

A questionable combination, but I needed the challenge of something new and not just my traditional superhero schlock. I ended up with an old-school control console and some deft gravity-defining clothing. The inside joke was Sady couldn't keep her clothes on.

Of course, this commission led right to the creation of Heavy Metal (an old-school robot based on the old black and white movie The Mysterious Doctor Satan).

Then there was talk of a crossover between the two. There have been a couple, but the best of the crossovers between the two was the piece called "Blast Off!".

Of course, there is also the crossover call entitled "Oh Yeah?" between heavy-metal and CD star kiss, dealing with a Fu Manchu type of character. Even mentioning that there was a Fu Manchu type of character would get me in trouble with people of today, so I will plan on redesigning my version of Fu with a slight change to color and look. He will be villainous, though. That's a mainstay of the character.

But back to Sady.

Initially, she was just eye candy, to be honest, but as I continued to draw her in different situations, I realized that I needed something more for her. I wanted a personality that would encompass her physically with some of her other mental attributes.

I wanted a strong woman who could fight when push came to shove and yet now always overpower her "detractors."

Another female character I found to be of interest is Una Persson from the Micheal Moorcock fantasy series. I felt she was someone I could base some of Sady on.

So I wanted her to be sexy and adventurous. She is the pinnacle of what my Fu Manchu character is looking for, and Heavy Metal always gets in the way. Of course, others want to be with her as well. Robot Monster is one; Corpse Cop is another.

And all of this chaotic craziness is going to be rendered in scratchboard.

What else?