Blog Post for 7-18-20
Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest:
Last Monster on EARTH! Enters its editing phase while coloring is being added. The grand task is being handled by Paula Akin.
Bit of background on Paula. She and I met about 6 years ago while being brought together on a small now-defunct film production for Velvet Coffin. I was brought on to help initially with storyboards for the film crew. Paula was a story editor and proofreader.
We began striking up a number of conversations after most of the readings that eventually lead to me asking her to edit one of my Comic book projects - Corpse Cop #2Arctic Wolf and #3 Inhuman Torch.
She doesn’t know it yet but there is another Corpse Cop #4 Death Walks the Stars that is being written and drawn up right now.
So with two books and a third literally a monster volume to edit she may be done with me!
I hope not!
Now, this makes a huge turning point in the development of The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker. Namely finishing the story.
Truth be told that the beginnings of Richard Parker were a little like a shakedown cruise. Seriously, The story both written and spoken to others told me volumes that I needed to rewrite and rewrite the story and origin of Parker. Like any character when first envisioned always go through a change or changes to suit the character and eventually the story and plot. Verisimilitude as a couple you tubers I listen to use to describe TV series in their reviews.
Once I figured out the story and separating the “real” from the “imagined” it became clear and that I was going to have really focus on this wordless graphic novel.
But then came along Comic story called Last Monster on EARTH! And that put everything that Parker was on freakin’ hold. Damn bad sci-fi for having a hold on me!
But that project is completed for all intense purposes. And Parker has been trusted into the limelight again. It was always my intention to get back to this work because there also over the year that I have been inking and lettering LMoE for editing I had been approached by several other people that “Hey, what happened to that deep-sea diver character you were working on? I really liked that.”
Well, that has been re-ignited.
After looking through some of the packed up material during my furloughed status I realized that I didn’t have all of Richard Parker in one place.
Exhaustively, I found an old digital file on one of my old hard drives and downloaded it.
I was very excited about this discovery because the list could help me figure out how many more pieces I still had left to render. But after looking over the list it was a preliminary list of what I had already produced and not yet modified to reflect what I still left to do. Damn.
So I will have to rebuild the list but that is par for this course for me.
But there is one thing that I do know about my personality that with an unfinished project there is always that nagging feeling that will not go away until it is completed. So I am tracking all the pieces that I need to get this project completed.
And on that note, I am outta here.
Got some more investigative work ahead of me.
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