A New Art Show 2024
As it turns out, a new art show begins next week. I am super excited about showing work again after this last year's show at the Slingshot. Of course, the other place I still need to show up is over at Unlimited IPA.
Charlie, the curator there, and I still have to cross paths, but eventually, I know that will happen. I blame the weather for the lack of getting over there.
It's been a while since I've had a posting of any artwork or otherwise. But seeing that next week, there will be another art show. This time, it will be taking place over at the Goodfoot Lounge. and I will be sharing it with three other artists as well.
The Goodfoot Ad for next week’s art show.
It has been years since the last time I showed any pieces there. This is from around 2008-2010 I believe.
Most of the pieces have been accounted for, priced, and boxed. Here is the listing of the pieces to be shown:
Original Scratchboard pieces:
2 of ten 8”x8” from the Bigfoot Show Last year.
6 of the ten 8’x8’ pieces of artwork from the Bigfoot Art show.
"Splash" $80.00
"Swoop" $80.00
"EVA" $80.00
"Future Expansion" $80.00
"Future Frontier" $80.00
"Portal" $80.00
"Oh Yeah!" $80.00
"Apocalypto Rising" $80.00
"The Kiss" $80.00
"Bacon or Death" $80.00
"In Clutching Claws" $250.00
"Corpse Cop Rising" 250.00
"Sady Starkiss Lounging" $400.00
"Warrior Women" $400.00
"Love Machine" $400.00
"Seven Ravens" $300.00
13”x13” From Halloween Art Show.
"Radioactive Hornets" $300.00
"Juicebox." $1200.00
"Target Earth." $1200.00
"Duality of the Singularity." $1200.00
"Bacon and Eggs." $1000.00
"The Martian that fell to Earth." $1000.00
"The Unknown Co-monk." $1000.00
"Blast Off!" $1500.00
"Beasts of the Beach." $1200.00
"A Pitcher is Worth a 1000 Words." $1000.00
"The Wode Less Traveled." $1200.00
These are a collection over the last couple of years, from the Bigfoot Art Show down in Molla, OR, to the Half and Half Art show I had last year at the Slingshot Lounge. There are a couple of other show pieces that have never been shown except once over the years, from the Brothers Grimm art show and a Halloween Art show. Both are good pieces, but I haven’t seen the light of day (in a gallery show, anyway).
It's only a matter of being able to get it to the gallery/bar that is putting on the show and handing it off to the curator, Jason Brown.
The funny thing was that since Valentine’s Day and posting an image of “Love Machine,” I already have a bid on a piece of work.
Hopefully, people will be able to make it. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed. Come and check it out.