Hey, there sports fans, Al here with the latest;
You may have noticed that I haven't been posting it in recent times, but that's because I'm on a big push to get "The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker" completed. Period
The biggest thing I've been able to do is post mini numerous bits and pieces of like 10 to 30-second clips on TikTok for what's going on but unfortunately, that never translates over to the blog. You know it's one thing versus the other, trying to let people know I'm still working on artwork. Still, cross-pollinating everything online is somewhat tricky and takes time, which I didn't have in some cases.
My goal is about halfway done with the actual illustration because Parker has been tapped to become the person he is by Poseidon.
The other part of this goal is to complete all artwork by the end of February or at least the first week of March. With that being said then, the book will be complete and then begins the slow, arduous process of getting everything paginated and placed in a PDF format to be printed. This also means incorporating a couple of different things; lettering for the front of the book, and that's it. Then I got to figure out how to get everything else done and with Printing, especially internationally. I apologize right now because I haven't been able to post anything. Still, when determination and creativity get mixed together sometimes, it's challenging to stop yourself from taking a break and saying, hey guys guess what? This is what I'm up to; it happens every single time.
So, there you have it, not much in anything, just an update on what's been going on. There will be links with descriptions to TikTok as far as what is actually done and maybe a few new images posted to the gallery, and that's about it and I hope you have a great day, and I will talk to you later. How Ideas Evolve, Inspired!, Transfer for New Images, 2nd to the Last image to be made for the book!
This kid is out here.