Hey there Sports Fans, Al here with the latest:
Richard confirmed that the “Say it ain’t So” art show will continue for one more month! Woot, Woot!
Here is a video link like that I made coming back from the new artwork being hung up.
That is amazing because it allows me to produce more small pieces of work, such as the eight-by-eights, original scratchboards, and prints. Currently, I’m waiting on the Epson acid-free paper to show up that I ordered so I can start printing colorized versions of scratchboard and mounting them to the wooden panels I have currently.
The most fantastic part of the show was adding 11 more pieces to the current work hanging up, which I explained in my last blog.
As I was sitting at the art show last night prepping new work, I noticed a couple sitting at one of the tables looking at the artwork and commenting about it. And as I was seeing an opportunity for self-promotion piped in, “if you got a question about the artwork, let me know I’m the guy who did it.”
The husband liked the work, but it wasn’t the kind of artwork his wife liked, not her cup of tea.
Marital debates about the artwork. I Love it.
BUT MUCH EARLIER in the day when I wheeled my new hand truck over with the 11 pieces of artwork, Richard greeted me and had said that a passer-by was interested in purchasing a piece.
I was all for it. I didn’t expect it would be the prominent color print!
I was floored!
I knew it was a good piece, but I didn’t think anyone would buy it because I didn’t know many people had the money to buy (dare I say?) frivolous art.
The pandemic has not helped a lot of people with the loss of jobs and income. God knows I was in that boat for a while. Every bit of cash that came in, I “Scrooged” away like a miser.
I lucked out, though, with the job I had and was called back to work less than a year. The biggest thing I’ll say, and then I’ll be off this tangent, is this, choice in my career path has changed drastically. And I am glad that I’m channeling my focus back on the shows. It makes me happy and excited! Work that I did a couple of years ago is now getting the attention that it deserves. I think that is my biggest surprise of all.
A friend of mine mentioned to me recently the home they live in the area of town I live in. I feel comfortable; I feel at ease. I draw lots of inspiration from this area I currently live in, and if things continue on, I may have a good chance of really making a name for myself as an artist. That’s the so-called slog that an elderly couple had mentioned to me at the MAC it may not be a slog at all; it’s just hard work, and I’m okay with that.
Well, I got to get back to it, and this kid is out of here.
Couples art discussion of the “Silent Stand Alone” group.