Move Monkey.
That is what I have been set to do in this pandemic world. It ain’t fun I can tell you but this last week has been set up for moving and will kick into high gear next week on Wednesday. When I and a couple of friends of mine will be helping me out relocate to an old home of mine from years ago.
NOW the thing to keep in mind about this move here in the PDX area in comparison to an old move back HOME to Eugene my grand for a 20-year hiatus after moving back after being away for a couple of years in art school.
This is not meant as a letting life take me a ring me around a toilet bowl rim for years before sucked down the drain.
I have things to do and breaking free of the that Emotional Event Horizon of Eugene was the best thing I ever did up to this point.
I may in the years that followed learned much and better-gained wisdom in the process both professionally and personally.
Life is not simple, it never was meant to be. Always be watching and vigilant because before you know it your life will be over and it’s time to step back into the ether.
But currently, in this watchful situation, I’m a move monkey. Bringing my physical being to bare to physically move not one but two places into one household in one day. Coordinating with several different groups of people who before the Pandemic hit didn’t hang out with each other all that much in the first place.
But I still keep coming back to what I call the “Skin In Common” Dream I had a week ago.
Change is at the heart of being a human and sometimes I think we all get caught up in the mundane so much that we forget the bigger picture. I will use I statements because this doesn’t represent anyone else but me. I think that you can forget about your kids after a certain age, you can forget about your parents, you can even forget about your friends and colleagues. But your species? That is a different thing altogether. Embrace your fellow man. Elevate each other.
I think that my dream was a personal message to myself or from someplace else because it said “There you are, don’t worry, everything is going to work out fine. It’ll be alright.”
The Move Monkey is changing and there are so many things I have left to do and many other roles I have left to do in this life.
Bring it.